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Posts Tagged ‘banzi’

Interaction Design Workshops SUPSI – May/June 2011

By • Mar 22nd, 2011 • Category: WORKSHOP

TEC ART ECO <=> Supsi Laboratory of visual culture and Interaction Design Lab SUPSI – University of Applied Arts and Sciences of Southern Switzerland – are glad to announce the 2011 edition of Interaction Design workshops. The workshops are organized within the activities of the Master of Advanced Studies in Interaction Design, the new MAS [...]

Festival 01 – LUGANO – Tec Art Eco in-teractive progress

By • Sep 7th, 2010 • Category: LECTURES/MEETING, WORKSHOP

CONFERENCE-PANELS-PERFORMANCES-WORKSHOPS Lugano 6 to 8 October Tec Art Eco INteractivePROGRESS starts an exploration that aims to highlight the vocation of Ticino as a geo-cultural and technological hub where the innovative “interaction” design and creativity is the key to the development of new projects: from graphic design to interactive multimedia services, from the audiovisual production to [...]