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Category: LECTURES/MEETING, WORKSHOP by • Sep 7th, 2010

Festival 01 – LUGANO – Tec Art Eco in-teractive progress


Lugano 6 to 8 October

Tec Art Eco INteractivePROGRESS starts an exploration that aims to highlight the vocation of Ticino as a geo-cultural and technological hub where the innovative “interaction” design and creativity is the key to the development of new projects: from graphic design to interactive multimedia services, from the audiovisual production to communication.

The goal is to offer a perspective on the current state of research and technological innovation applied to the Art , Culture and Environment fields.

The event presents a variety of artists, personalities, experiences, ideas, projects and realities that have been distinguished by its ability to create significant “venture/enterprise” in the geographical area Insubrica as well as cultural landscape.

The program is structured in one half day of lectures, performances, video screenings, meetings and two full days of workshops with the participation of prestigious international personalities.

Special guest is Daito Manabe (J) one of the most interesting and innovative artist of the interactive world scene, which brings its own contribution through a lecture and a workshop on sensors, interfaces, interactive systems and programs developed specifically for the creation of his works.


WEDNESDAY 06th of October h.14.00-19.30 Palazzo dei Congressi sala B1 / Lugano

Panelist: Daito Manabe (Tokyo-J, M. Banzi (Thinker-Arduino Project- Milano-I), M. Botta (SUPSI-Lugano- CH), D. Landwehr (Migros/Pop-New Media/ Digital Brainstorming-Zuerich- CH), A. Perini (Conservatorio G.Verdi – Como-I), M. Brini (ENVEVE-Lugano- CH), F. Alvino-L.Parentela ([ON]iride Milano-Torino-I), M. Mancuso (Digicult-Milano-I), S.Cangiano (Tec Art Eco art res-Lugano- CH), S. Lazzari (2Lifecast-Milano-I), M.G. Mattei (Meet The Media Guru-Milano-I), L. Congedo- R.Mucchiut (Hyperion-Lugano- CH), P. Rigamonti (Limite a Zero-Milano-I), Conservatorio della Svizzera Italiana (Lugano- CH) , NABA/Extended lab ( Milano-I).


Thursday, October 7 10:00 to 17:00 SUPSI / Aula di formazione continua / Lugano-Trevano

Body Hack workshop with Daito Manabe (J) media artist and interface designer

Daito Manabe, Japanese media artist, designer and programmer, has created, with the help of bio-engineer Masaki Teruoka, “BodyHack” a research project articulated through a series of workshops. Most of the devices used (such as the myoelectric sensors or the electric stimulation device) were designed by Manabe. The intention of the workshop is to share with the partecipants the specifics of the interactive systems used by the artist and is part of a series of programs of experimental technology that explore the world of cybernetics and the connection between sound and physical expression. In BodyHack, sensor are placed on the facial muscles of the chosen subject to register his/her different expressions. The electrical impulses created by the movement of the muscles create variations in the music and video used and recorded.

The workshop, in english, is open to maximum of 10 partecipants and does note require any special skills. There will also be activities specifically designed for groups of experts in the field. The software used is max/msp (main), processing, and openframeworks (PC and MAC based). We suggest that you use your own laptop.


Friday, October 8 9:30 to 17:30 SUPSI / Aula di formazione continua / Lugano -Trevano

DiY do interact yourself / workshops by Massimo Banzi (I)

Massimo Banzi, author of “Getting Started with Arduino” and co-founder of the Arduino Project, presents a workshop with the challenge of “reviving” computers and electronic waste using his

open source hardware that has carved a prominent role in the international technology scene. Arduino gives the opportunity to even the least technologically-savvy to create and test tangible user interface.

Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It’s intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments. It can sense the environment by receiving input from a variety of sensors and can affect its surroundings by controlling lights, motors, and other actuators.

During this workshop we’ll explore the basics of Arduino and get to build cool stuff within the first day. You’ll experience first hand accelerometers, touch sensors, colour sensors, and a lot more technology without having to spend a month talking about atoms and electrons.

Bring your laptop (Mac, Windows or even Linux) and your energy.

A new way to tackle the issue of uniting research and innovation resources, expertise and creativity, in keeping with the philosophy of DIY (do it yourself) affordable and accessible to all.

The workshop, in Italian language, is open to a maximum of twenty participants and does not require specific skills but provides activities for experts as well.

For registration:

workshop application form


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